Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to “International Symposium on Hybrid Imaging and Theranostics”, Hotel M, Belgrade, 16-17 October 2025.
The Symposium is jointly organized by the Hybrid Imaging Active, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Nuclear Medicine Section of Serbian Medical Society, in conjunction with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, the Center for Nuclear Medicine with Positron Emission Tomography University Clinical Center of Serbia, and Serbian Society of Nuclear Medicine. It is also part of the Erasmus Jean Monnet Module: Multi disciplinary Education for Improving Quality of Nuclear Medicine Practice Based on the European Union Regulations and the International Atomic Energy Agency Programs (EDUQUAN), ERASMUS JMO-2021-HEI- TCH- RSCH. It is supported by Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian Medical Chamber.
The aim of the Symposium is to promote awareness about contemporary nuclear medicine methods in clinical practice in hybrid imaging and theranostics. During two days, the scientific program will highlight the state-of-art morphological, functional and molecular imaging in the evaluation of hybrid imaging and theranostics. Along with local experts, distinguished international speakers will share their experiences.
The symposium provides an opportunity for clinicians and scientists to learn about new advances in this growing field and exchange scientific ideas and clinical practice.
We hope that the “International Symposium on Hybrid Imaging and Theranostics” will meet your expectations.
prof. dr vera Artiko
prof. dr Dragana Šobić Šaranović